A date for your 2015 diaries

We’ve recently had confirmation that our proposal for a CCO track at the 2015 APROS/EGOS conference has been accepted!

Drawing on the overall theme of the conference, the track will be “Bringing space back in to the communicative constitution of organization and disorganization” and will be convened by François Cooren, Paul Spee, Katharina Hohmann and myself.

Now the good news, the conference will be held at University of Technology (UTS) Business School, Sydney, Australia, December 9-11th, 2015.  For all of us in the northern hemisphere currently ‘enjoying’ our December weather, I am assured that December in Sydney is a much more pleasurable experience.

I’ll post a full track call in the New Year that will have details of submission deadlines, etc.  I’m informed that the APROS website will have details of the conference early in 2014.

Seasons greetings to all and best wishes for 2014,



Save the date: EGOS Preconference “CCO in Practice” planned for July 1-2, 2014 (i.e. right before EGOS 2014 in Rotterdam)

As many of you may have already heard, the communication-centered perspective known under the label “CCO” (“communication as constitutive of organizations”) has been chosen to become a Standing Working Group (SWG) at EGOS (coordinated by Dennis Schoeneborn, Consuelo Vasquez, Tim Kuhn, and François Cooren), following the interest in the sub-themes on “Organiza­tion as Communication” over the past years. This means that at least four EGOS sub-themes in a row (i.e. in the years 2015-2018) will address (in one way or another) the constitutive relation between organization and communication. But given that the SWG will not officially start before 2015, we hope to be able to bridge the time in between with a EGOS CCO preconference 2014 in Rotterdam!

Three members of the CCO community working at Dutch universities are jointly preparing the preconference: Mark van Vuuren (U of Twente), Amanda Porter (VU Amsterdam), and David Novak (Erasmus U Rotterdam). The working title of the preconference is “CCO in Practice.” The preconference aims to be practical in at least two ways: first, a methodological workshop (e.g., about methods like video analysis) will focus on the practice of doing CCO-related research. Second, we will invite practitioners interested in a communication-centered perspective to explore the translation between CCO theories and practical issues. Prominent CCO scholars will be invited for keynotes and discussions. Of course, there will be time to socialize. So, please consider attending the workshop “CCO in Practice” (July 1-2, 2014, i.e. directly before the EGOS 2014 Colloquium)!

In order to come up with the best possible program, we invite you to (1) share with us the methodological issues that you are facing, (2) point us to practitioners who could be interested in attending this preconference and could help us reflect on the impact CCO scholarship for practice, and (3) any other helpful ideas or suggestions. Please send your ideas to the organizers (see below) – or please feel free to post them as comments here in the OaC blog!

With kind regards,

The organizing committee
Amanda Porter (VU Amsterdam)
David Novak (Erasmus U Rotterdam)
and Mark van Vuuren (U of Twente)